Alo Fit Cymru is a remedial massage & clinical acupuncture clinic. Body Activation uses Eastern and Western massage, fire cupping acupuncture and soft tissue treatment and assessment to evaluate how your body functions and to identify and resolve issues with your nervous, muscular and circulatory systems. The treatment begins with tests and assessments to identify the root cause of the issue and to aid the body in its own healing process. Treatment is focused on the root cause of the issue, releasing restrictions and improving circulation, which in turn will benefit the whole body.

Zen acupressure and tui na massage are forms of bodywork administered by the thumbs, fingers, and palms of the hand. Pressure is applied to all parts of the body along specific pathways (meridians). It uses kneading, pressing, soothing, tapping, and stretching techniques and is performed without oils through light, comfortable clothing.

This traditional Eastern massage modality encourages energy flow and combines the best of Eastern and Western massage and anatomy knowledge and practice. You usually have therapy sitting or lying down on a futon mattress on the floor.

The other techniques used to release the body include gentle and effective acupuncture, fire cupping and soft tissue release and stretching techniques which relieve tension and pain throughout the body. These are performed on a massage bed.

Treatments are highly effective and able to help people to overcome ill health, injury and chronic conditions, often in a short space of time. Sufferers of anxiety, back pain and digestive issues rely on these time-honoured therapies for immediate and long-lasting relief. These techniques stimulate the natural healing powers of the body, wherefore symptoms of disease lessen and vitality is regained.


c/o Narberth Chiropractic Clinic
Spring Gardens
Picton Terrace
SA67 7AW
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
    10:00 - 10:30